Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's a dog-eat-dog world out there...

... but I'm not sweating it, especially with this butterball on my team:

That's Boss, my slightly overweight yet completely lovable dog.

At present Boss and I are still trying to adjust to life on the ranch. For me it's because I'm a recent (enough) graduate of Texas Tech University, unemployed and therefore living with my parents. For Boss it's the twice-a-day feeding schedule.

Whoever said "You can always go home again.." obviously never did. Don't get me wrong, I'm very blessed to have parents that are willing to put me up until I find employment, but the whole dynamic of our relationship has changed. I got used to living solo, watching trashy TV, overfeeding my dog and letting dishes pile up. They got (prematurely) used to peace and quiet around the house after 20-something years.

They should have known better.

Amid resisting the urge to watch The Real Housewives of New York and dish washing, I've managed to send out quite a few resumes.

Apparently, no one is hiring. Or are they just not hiring me?

You know, I've never looked good on paper. Maybe it is time to spruce up the ol' cover letter and resume? Just a little pizazz that'll have them chomping at the bit.

A former classmate told me that journalists are notorious for substance abuse. A whoppin' 90-somethin' percent abuses alcohol (I blame meager salaries and bouts of unemployment). If what my friend said is true, (he didn't check his facts) they should love the New-and-Improved(!!!) paper version of Caitlin Probandt:

"Passion, combined with desperation, makes me the perfect candidate for this position. I have sufficient experience in writing, editing, meeting deadlines and drinking on the job. I have a work hard, play hard mentality that I apply to every day life."



... Sort of.

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